Tuesday, 24 September 2019

south africa day

On the 18th of septber we celebrated heritage day becouse my teacher is from south africa but in south africa they celebrate for a hole mouth in setmber .
 In south africa are teacher showed as what they eat
a walky talky is chicken feet and a smily is a sheeps heads.
my teacher told me and my class that in the earlyits days there were people called the San and in one of the gruops they belived the someone in theRe group had powers so the porsen that they belived had powers they would go in a cave and paint what they would vishen .
So we made some art and we stand the canvis with a tea bag then we  painted.
 my teacher made as some south africa food that was all i hope you all liked it bye


  1. hi shyla great work😁😁😁😁😊😊😊😊😊

  2. great work shyla i like that you included lots of info and your spelling is really good.

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